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Which Guitar?


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  • 2 months later...

the thing i didnt like about spanish guitars was that when i was younger with smaller hands the neck was too big to clasp my skinny mittens round and bar chords were a muffled sort of noise, so then came the encore (strat copy) nice and easy,looked good (the guitar not me) and sounded ok. when i got a job bought a 1973 re-issue fender stratocaster plugged it in and found it sounded pretty much the same as the cheap encore id learned on,then came a better amp, a new les paul and a totally different sound, and recently got a yamaha 12 string semiacoustic and wow! that sounds nice! :D

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I just hope his new is being played through a Marshall 4x12 :D

I was keeping quiet about Axe as he hasn't got it yet, it is still on order :look:


It is still a surpise, so lucky he doesn't come on here eh?! :*)


If he gets a new amp, which he will need he will be coughing up for that himself, of that he can be sure...

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