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just got new (to me) hw77k


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:good:i've just swapped a few decoying bits for a hw77k (with hull cartridge barrel) and has come with a hawke 3x9-40 scope on it with one piece mount and a tin of eley wasps, in theory its cost me £65.00 as that was what i was looking to get for the decoy bits so i'm well chuffed, it in good working order and needs a little tarting up on the blueing which i'll eventually get done but other than that its great!


hopefully it will lead to some new permissions where fac and shotguns aren't an option, and plenty more rabbits for the dog! :unsure:

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Bargin :unsure: , You may want to get rid of the Eley Wasps and try some Rws Superdomes though.




cheers for the advice mate :) i'm gonna use the rest of the tin first though as i'm skint, as long as i can get within 1.5" groups at 35 yrds i'll be happy mate as its for hunting bunnies not paper punching, so long as i can get clean head shots i'll be happy, at least till i need more pellets then i'll try the rws's is that what you run yours on?

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Hi Was that the one with the blueing removed that was for sale a few days ago?

RWS superdomes are very good in these rifles as i have one in .22 and the other a.177

You won,t regret owning a HW77





no i did see it though it looked like someone had took a sander too it! this is just a little worn in places nothing like that mate,


what do the rws's retail at mate kinda new to the whole air rifle thing

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no i did see it though it looked like someone had took a sander too it! this is just a little worn in places nothing like that mate,


what do the rws's retail at mate kinda new to the whole air rifle thing


I bought a tin last week mate,cost me £6.99,they are v good pellets mate :good: BB

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Hi Yes they will arrive dented,bought some off flea bay and sat for ages picking out the damaged ones, about a 100 out of the tin were slightly deformed around the skirt consistent with being battered about. to be honest you're better of buying several tins at once from your local dealer and getting a discount for bulk, works out a bit cheaper than flea bay and P+P.



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