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First timeout with new gun.


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Me an a friend set up around about 10.30 this morning in a field with a good tree line right in the path of a few flight lines. Set up 32 decoys. 10 shells with wobbled sticks 18 full pigeon and 5 crow... Nothing happened for a while then I had my first kill of around 50yrds floating tight into the pattern. Next one was driven right into the decoys at high speed an knocked it out of the sky. The third was a crown shot by my mate and the last kill of the day was a high pigeon right above up an I hit it an it actually fell an landed right on my mates head (couldn't of done it better if I tried, lol). All that was in around 45min-1hour an then the farmer came in an appoligised and the started plowing the field :-(. As we walked away flocks of birds everywhere :-(... Think I might have to befriend the neighbouring farmer for permission in his fields.

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