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rough shooting .

flight path

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  • 2 weeks later...

No chance now but in future no.1 as always safety safety safety know your backstops with rifles (if any to be used) and be aware at all time where each other is especially if you are both going with your own guns better yet walk round together.

2:try and do a recce first look for animal "signs" (not the kind by roads) as in signs of activity rabbit droppings areas of cleared crops where rabbits etc are habitually feeding (usually near to hedges) , also look for flight lines for pigeons etc and roosts.

3: Take plenty of cartridges (always best to take what you think you will need plus a slab in the car in reserve - you never know :good: )

4: Dont forget to take your tea & sandwichs (could be a long day)

5: stick to the hedge rows where possible and keep alert you will be much more succesful if you see your quarry first

6: slowly, slowly catch "a" monkey (never rush keep it nice and slow you will shoot better, see more and be more silent if you take your time)


Good luck fella

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