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Gun fit


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Hi all , I have a gun that feels comfortable and i shoot ok with it. Im thinking about buying a new gun and was wondering how to work out gunfit and what the important dimensions are. I want to measure all the important bits on the gun i use now so i have a rough idea of a gun that will be close to fitting when i go and look at some. I know you could probably speak about gunfit for a month of sundays but the basics would be greatly appreciated. :rolleyes:


Cheers all

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A old boy once gave me some good advice/tips on trying a gun for the first time ,Close your eyes tight now mount the gun until it is in the most comfortable position for you ,now open your eyes and see where your eye is in relation to the bead,next try the same method but have the gun out of your shoulder and mount it quickly as if you were in the field while swinging the gun open your eyes and again see where your eye is on the bead.It helps to have another person with you to check your eye alignment from the other end looking towards the chambers (gun empty obviously).Iknow this is a very rough and ready little test but i've always found it to work really well .

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