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.222 bags another charlie................

Evil Elvis

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:lol: Out munty stalking agin this evening, didnt even get a sniff of one before it got dark, so on with the lamp, just as i did Raja Clavata turned up.We did a big lap round the farm and saw the odd bunny but not much else.At the edge of a set of woods I got what i thought looked like a fox in the lamp, it was interested in the squeek, so we crept up on it and got within 40 yards and it turned out to be quite a large deer, probably a cwd or a roe (both are there).


We had really exhausted most possibilities when i took my red lens cover off and and looked behind us was a set of very bright eyes, I had a safe shot but it was 300 yards plus, so we decided to get closer. We stalked him up the hill for hundreds of yards with him just keeping the same distance ahead of us., when we got to the crest of the hill and looked over he had gone!!!!


I decided to look down the other side of the hill incase he had doubled back on us and sure enough he had..BUT there were houses in that direction and it wasnt a safe shot, so we slowly headed right to try and out flank him and sure enough when we got to the bottom of the hill he had skirted left and onto the base of the next hill for a safe shot. We laid down on the pod deciding to take the shot despite him being over 200 yards away.

Raja on his .hmr me on the .222.I took my lens cover off and lit him up...on the count of 3 we double whammied him, there was a very loud duff followed a split second later by another thud....we both hit it......there was very little delay in the 2 different rounds...the fox went down and folded like a leaf!!!


The .222 round had gone right through, bang on the money!!!!boiler room devastated!




We called it a night then.

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:lol: Hhehehehe hd to be done!!!! You keeping him? ??? freddie has left the building (gone to a woman who keeps them so he,ll have we freddie bitches to play with


200 yards in the dark is easy if you bought your lightforce 170 from Mosa, he put a much bigger bulb in it and it will illuminate the next county lol. :lol: :lol: :lol:

so thats the light i see over the hills of east lothian :lol::lol::lol::lol:

and freddie has left the building gone to a woman who reares them so he,ll have lots of freddie bitches to play with(and no the daughter aint speaking to me :lol::lol: )

Edited by cocker3
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Oh the fun of the stalk! :lol:

Don't you just love it when Charlie refuses to co-operate and you have to walk and crawl miles just to get in a "safe shot position", but isn't it satisfying when it all comes together (Especially at 200 yards)!

Well done mate and an interesting read! :lol::lol::lol:

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