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shottie licence


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There is nothing to stop you getting things rolling, my region has been desperately slow historically and I seem to recall I put mine in about 3 months early last time and they still didn't get it done, they seemed surprised when I asked for a Temporary Certificate as expiry date loomed!

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There is nothing to stop you getting things rolling, my region has been desperately slow historically and I seem to recall I put mine in about 3 months early last time and they still didn't get it done, they seemed surprised when I asked for a Temporary Certificate as expiry date loomed!



I contacted my force recently and got a load of conflicting info,then after shaking their heads said they dont know when they will be sent out,no wonder theres a back log,no doubt i will end up applying for a temp cos they dont seem to be able to tell their ***** from their elbows :good:

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Most Police Forces do send out a reminder most of the time.


But if they don't and you don't renew in time, it is totally your fault.


It is wholly your responsibility to renew in time. Allow at least 3 months although some Police Forces might hopefully be quicker.


If you don't get it renewed in time, you will have to get your guns stored by a RFD until the new certificate comes through.

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