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Flash trips up!


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Hopefully, this amusing case will at least bring down the lefty "progressive" line of thinking, that anyone who dares to question immigration and the fact that Britain is now swamped with foreigners, is a bigot and a Nazi retard.


There are a few stupid people on here who jump down anyones throat if they ever express concern over levels of immigration, and the Labour party is chock full of them.


I already see in the papers, that some of them are starting to wise up to this and the fact that there are a few negative sides to mass immigration. Hopefully that will mean that when they finally get their dull brains into gear, they will see mass immigration for what it really is - an unmitigated disaster. :hmm:

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We can only hope that this episode has done enough to persuade the undecided that a vote for labour is the wrong one. However you will always have the die hard trade unionists who would vote for labour regardless of what they did.


The one eyed scottish idiot has shown his true colours on live TV without the aid of spin and scripts, It is now time for the country to wake up and get this idiot out of No. 10 :hmm:

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With me, it's not even that he called the woman a name when he thought he was in private. Like Ozzie said, I call people all the time when I put the phone down. Most people are a "cock" or a "bellend" when the phone is back on the hook :hmm:


It's the thinking that is behind it that gets me. That ridiculous man obviously genuinely thinks that if a person believes that mass immigration isn't working, then they must automatically be a racist bigot. Cock :)


It's that tripe that has us all mincing around the truth, fearful of PC retribution and the law, if our views are overheard. Hopefully, this incident could start a groundswell that will silence this kind of **** once and for all.

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Here is a conspiracy for you,


As Mrs Duffy hasn't been seen since Flash went and apologised do you reckon he has done her in? She hasn't even put her rubbish out on bin day :hmm::):ermm:



Here's another conspiracy for the tinfoil helmet brigade.


Nobody, not even the one-eyed jock could be stupid enough to broadcast comments like that to the wider world. Could he? :lol:


Perhaps he did it deliberately, to try and woo the immigrant vote :o

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She also hasn't sold her story to the tabloids.


I ******* well would have done, line up boys with your cheque books. I'll dish the dirt.


Tessa Jowell has just been on the box defending Flash, there is another for the ducking stool. Why can't one of them just stand up and say he said it because that was what he thought. Not that he didn't mean it, know what he was saying, etc etc.

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She also hasn't sold her story to the tabloids.


I ******* well would have done, line up boys with your cheque books. I'll dish the dirt.


Tessa Jowell has just been on the box defending Flash, there is another for the ducking stool. Why can't one of them just stand up and say he said it because that was what he thought. Not that he didn't mean it, know what he was saying, etc etc.


Yes, hopefully that'll bring down the Jowell bint as well. What a useless article she is :hmm:

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Could be interesting viewing on the box tonight , see there in Birmingham this time :)


He'll only stop to talk to immigrants this time.


They'll ask him what he thinks of all these bloody white people and he'll agree that they are a problem, but the Labour Party has policies for dealing with them :hmm:

Edited by Chard
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