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fridays stalking


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So Friday finally came and I was all set, finished work early and collected some home loads that a mate had knocked up ready for the evening. :good:

I called Guy, Pikey251's father who was going to be taking me stalking.......''I'm sure its going to rain'' he says. ''Do you want to leave it for another day?''

Do I heck!! I've been waiting to christen the .243 for long enough so a bit of rain wasnt going to stop me now :good:

100 mile later and I was at the nearest pub to the estate where I would be stalking so called Guy again and waited in the carpark.

He arrived a while later and I followed him to the estate, parked up and put the gear into his truck. A short drive down the road and we were at the spot to test my shooting ability :good: 2 shots at the target was enough for us both to be happy and the 100gr homeloads were fine.

We drove to another part of the estate where Guy was sure the would be some muntys later and as we pulled into the field there were 3 or 4 roe there!! But the rifle was still in the back so they were lucky :good:

We climbed into the (slightly ricketty) high seat and waited. Guy was really concerned that we might not get a shot and this concern grew when as we sat down the rain started, it didnt stop for 2 hours!! ''About 8 oclock should be good'' Guy said. And how right he was!! At about 1955 a deer emerged some 150 yards away to our left. It looked huge, in fact we both thought it was a roe for a second.

Me heart was pounding as I focused the scope and watched the munty grazing on the beans in the field and working its way out into the field. There wasnt a great deal of room in the seat and the shot was really awkward but as the buck reached about 100 yards from us I told Guy i was going to take the shot. The Munty offered the perfect shot as it grazed on the crop and that was it.... the noise of my moderated Howa rang out and Guy confirmed ''Good shot'' :good:

The buck leapt and ran about 30 yards in an arc before dropping, held his head up for a minute or so then was done.

We waited a short while just in case another showed but decided that was it and climbed down to collect my quarry.

As we got back into Guy's truck it got very dark and the heavens opened so the timing was great.!!

As we headed back the rain eased and there was a little more light, ''just enough for a quick check down the other side'' said Guy, and how glad were we at this when we spotted 3 good sized fallow bucks coming out of the wood. They spotted us and ran towars the other corner of the field, I got the rifle out of the window and as Guy said ''I dont think theyre gonna stop, but if they do....'' the buck I was tracking in the scope stopped and turned and I didnt need a second initation, he ran about 20 yard and dropped. My first and second deer in one evening despite the rain :good:

So sorry if the story went on a bit but it was a great evening that i wanted to share.

A big thank you to John( pikey251) and his father Guy and to the 2 buck which fell to my howa.

I can thoroughly recommend John and Guy and will be back there soon.

Both the deer have now been butchered but there are some(not very good :good: ) pics below











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