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Deer stalking

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do you have any land ?


if so what is the land passed for


if you dont and you want to use it for stalking you will have to join a target club and try and get the feo to put payed days stalking .


if you only want a rifle for deer i would go for a 308 or if you want a good all round rifle for deer and fox then go for a 243



Edited by roadkill
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I have land but it couldnt be used for deer stalking if I was to go it would be to an estate in scotland or something like that.



All forces take a differen view but in general you would have to provide (multiple) evidence of stalking already done and paid for or booked stalking. They will want invoices/invitations or receipts for deposits for future days booked. If you are looking to go down that route you would alsp be advised to get on a DSC1 course and then put your app in once you have your certificate (so you can send a copy in with your app.)

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All forces take a differen view but in general you would have to provide (multiple) evidence of stalking already done and paid for or booked stalking. They will want invoices/invitations or receipts for deposits for future days booked. If you are looking to go down that route you would alsp be advised to get on a DSC1 course and then put your app in once you have your certificate (so you can send a copy in with your app.)

Thanks for the advice

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now going down this route myself chap, i opted for a 6.5x55 in the end, joined a target club, and got some good info from a chap on here about accompanied deer stalking. I already have a 22/250 with muntjac &CWD on the conditions, just a case of doing the DSC1 course, and getting a mentor to show me the ropes for the larger beasts.

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