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GAH! nearly had a beretta semi for £100!

Ozzy Fudd

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my friend just rang, his uncle is giving up shooting so sold his .22lr and 12 ga beretta semi into one of the local gunshops. they gave him £150 for the lot, £100 for the shotgun, £50 for the rifle. he was more then happy enough with the money as he just wanted rid of his guns, but instead of giving some of us first refusal he handed them straight into the gunshop :o


i was saying last night i want to get a cheap semi or s/s as one of the mossbergs needs a new firing pin, so think were going to go down later to see how much theyve jacked the price up by :o


just my typical luck!

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It make you think doesn't it -- I was looking for a specific semi and every saturday I rang gunshops in my county - you wouldn't believe how many there are - anyway into next county and one gunshop had one - up there like a shot and it turns out this gunshop was asked to empty an old boys cabinet who had died recently -- there were about 15 semi's 13 of them as new just a box through them - most were Remmy 1100's -- the one I was after was a very good price so I wondered what they got lot for.


People are funny - One older guy that occasionally shot with us had a Win 101 Diamond grade - he had broken stock once and got it repaired but dropped it again and was quoted £1k for new stock - he only took it to cop shop and scrapped it then went out and bought a cooking model 101 Duh!! - needless to say we were all a bit peed off we never saw him walking to cop shop.



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