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looking for info on mink ,i shot my 1st mink today on a small river near me i had seen it a few days ago and had set a live cage trap but although on 2 different occasions the trap had shut closed i think the mink had squeezed out threw the mesh on the trap the cage trap mesh size is 1inch by 1 inch is this the correct size of mesh cage trap for mink do you have to move the trap about in different locations after a while like larsen traps as i say any info on them would be grateful as id like to get a few more mink cleared up as there is a chicken/duck pen a few yards away from where i shot the mink and im sure their like foxes where there is 1 there is more

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Hi, as Harv use mk6 spring traps make up some tunnels out of any old stuff laying about, bricks for sides slate or roof tiles for roof they love dark dank places and they are very inquisitive.

Have a quite walk about very early morning or late evening, look in the muddy edges of the river for tracks and put tunnel near by, peg the trap down as these are powerful evil so and so and one not killed clean will try and escape trust me a wounded mink is worse than any scorned woman.

good luck

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  • 1 month later...

your cages with inch mesh are perfect for mink,even youg mink wont get through that...traps going off with nothing caught in them,well that could be you setting them too fine or mice entering through the open end and exiting through the mesh,or even birds hopping on the trap(i caught a blackbird in one once but was fine on release)if you find a regular run leave your trap there,if you find another run set another trap..if there is a good food supply then they will stick around and if you have shot one guarantee there will be more..mink usually have a couple of good holding grounds they frequent and may move for a short while but they will be back..

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