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Corrision protection

Ferret Master

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mostly tyhe golden rule works well for me:


give rifle a wipe over with an oily rag after each and every outing (prefereably before putting in bafg after use)


and should the rifle get a bit damp, remove action from the stock and wipe over the entire rifle with an opily rag.


just about any oil will do the job from 3 in 1 to engine oil.



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I have noticed today that on the barrel and action of my BSA Lightning has in a few places very fine rusty corrosion. It is unnoticable unless you star e really closely but are there any products on the market that will get rid of it and or prevent it? :D


Thanks in advance for any and all replies. :D


FM :lol:

I use silicone oil on a rag. Works like a treat.

WARNING: only use on outside parts of your airgun !!!


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I use Rangoon oil on mine,i think it's also known as px70, if you wipe it over your rifle everytime you finish using it, it builds up a coating so eventually you don't need to do it so often. Im not sure where you could get hold of any though, i used to work for the military and got to know quite a few squadies and they pilfered me some as it's what they use for cleaning sa80's. but if you can get some it's good stuff.



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The best weapon is an oily rag.

Next best thing is using a NAPIERS rust protection thingy that sits in your bag/cabinet.


Also if possible keep the rifle out of the bag and allow air to circulate. This is where a cabinet is good.


Also smothering it in oil before a wet hunting trip works well.


Hope this helps :D

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The best weapon is an oily rag.

Next best thing is using a NAPIERS rust protection thingy that sits in your bag/cabinet.


Also if possible keep the rifle out of the bag and allow air to circulate. This is where a cabinet is good.


Also smothering it in oil before a wet hunting trip works well.


Hope this helps :D

NAPIER rust protection thingies are expensive, the cheaper alternative is silica gel, as you would find when you buy any new electrical goods (usually little pack that says "DO NOT EAT") all you need do to refresh the little packs of gel is put them in the oven for a little while.


as for using WD40 no problem at all i use something similar on my rifles, all i do is give the rag a good squirt, leave it a couple of mins for all the nasty stuff to evaporate from it and give the rifle a wipe over, job done :D


ROB :lol:

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NAPIER rust protection thingies are expensive, the cheaper alternative is silica gel, as you would find when you buy any new electrical goods

This is also the best way of drying out your stock!!!!!!!

Which could eventually lead to cracking and deformation.

The Napiers patch works by applying a coating onto exposed METAL parts, and not touching the woodwork.

The patches are £6 and you replace every 3 months.(6 months in the summer!)

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