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Stopped by police tonight ...

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This will go on and on............ :lol:


The officers are not here to defend themselves, and we still don't know exactly what they were there for. So, a bit one sided is all I am saying.


Hopefully I have put some useful information on the thread to see it from the officers point of view and make it easier for all involved, after all we go out to shoot, not talk to the police (unless thats your bag :P:lol: :look: ) . Its all to easy to type on the internet when the other party is not there to defend themselves, and IMHO if its their attitude that started this thread, I would complain as I have the right to be spoken to in the appropriate manner. :yes: :yes: :yes:


Hot-shot, nobody is saying you have done anything wrong, but you lost 30-40 minutes shooting time. I'd sooner have spent that time after charlie or waskily wabbits. :D


If you don't complain, how are the officers attitude gong to get fixed :no: they have gone away with the same poor attitude as they arrived with, which is no help to anybody, and your right, it doesn't reflect very well on the rest of us.


Anyway happy shooting my friend and may charlie fill your scope for many days :oops::hmm::lol: :lol:



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i don't ring the police before I shoot apart from on one of my permissions which is in a town (cricket pitch). General principle - doing a legal activity and I will not announce my intentions to the Plod - we have enough surveillance anyway so I will go about my business when the hell I like.


I can see people saying "But it helps the Police respond better". Sadly in every occasion I've called and then had a visit from the coppers, they don't have any idea I called in first, so it doesn't make diddly squat difference!

Disagree mate it does make a differance certainly at night time when lamping etc and in my area neighbouring people get jumpy when people with lamps guns and dogs are wandering around all it takes is a bit of common sense on both sides ??? ???

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You had to have the last word BIgT (JOKING :lol: ) - I do think even if I had produced my license I would have been held up - they are obviously going to cross check its validity and that we were on ground that we should have been.


I will not forget it again - lesson learned.



Anyway happy shooting my friend and may charlie fill your scope for many days ??? ??? :yes::hmm:




And the same to you BigT and thanks for your :lol: input

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If the police get a complaint they have to respond and thank god they do. Its a thankless job at the best of times so don't make it difficult for them by complaining. I don't always like their attituded either but who would want to turn out to reports of men with guns in a field at night. It must make them edgy

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