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Anyone had any experience of these and got anything good/bad to say about them? Not much to read about them on t'internet.


I'm after a cheap but decent rabbiting rifle with synthetic stock and black barrel and this seems to fit the bill at about £350 for the full package (rifle,scope,mod).

Edited by Steve29
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Thats expensive. One here branners on Guntrader for cheaper. I was interested in Mossberg rf's but could not find much good said about them. Brazilian made by CBC I believe . I went for a Marlin when I got my HMR and apart from my accuracy cant fault it. They have a .22 rf and I paid £275. Good trigger,threaded and synthetic. Was nearly tempted by Winchester Wildcat made by Russian makers Tula also. Cheaper still but and threaded. It gets featured on Youtube alot.

Edited by vole
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I went for a Marlin when I got my HMR and apart from my accuracy cant fault it. They have a .22 rf and I paid £275. Good trigger,threaded and synthetic.


What model Marlin was that? Would be keen to have a look.


I can't find much about the Mossberg's either so think i'll give them a miss.

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Hi Steve. Its the 917. Edgar Bros in Macclesfield import them so handy for spares if ever need them. It has 20in barrel and open sights but I think it is a good no frills rifle .I was tempted by Mossbergs and posted on here for info too but was put off.


Could not find any bad reports on these either.



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I've heard the Marlin 795 is slightly more accurate out of the box due to microgroove barrel and less fussy on ammo than the 10/22 - Plus its cheaper. Shot one at my local gun club few weeks ago and I thought it was great - However there are not as many after market mods for the marlin as there are the 10/22. Again Edgar Bros are importers for Marlin AFAIK.

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:good: In the states they are generally regarded as a childs "plinking gun!" Save your money and buy a cz! :blush:


I guess I should have figured that from the name 'Plinkster'! Anyhow I reckon i'll try and pick up a CZ Silhouette, seems like they're the one for me. Now just need the FAC to hurry up!



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