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avon calling


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has anyone seen the new bushwear catalogue its selling avon skin so soft as an insect reppellant what is the manly world of airgunning coming to.

ps does it work :hmm:



Hiya, I';ve been using it as a midge repellant for years, and I fish up the west coast of Scotland...Midge hell !!!!and it does a great job...much better that the other stuff...Deet,Zeet :lol: It's actually marketed in the US as a Mossie repellant...BUT, you MUST get Woodland Fresh., Thats the only one that works...:lol:




:hmm::lol: :lol:



In a word .Yes. you'll be suprised as to the effect it has.(More so in Scotland and the blasted Midges and clegs). Jim


Jimmmmmm, How's you doing ??...it's been a long time mate...:lol:

Edited by Norrie
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It does work where there are a normal amount of midges and I always have a couple of bottles kicking about but it seems to stop them biting but doesn't stop them landing on you, so your nose and ears can still get infested where the problem is bad.

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