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Just a quick question lads.


A lad I know rang me, and said he had looked at a 6yr old spaniel.

He has a spaniel bitch with real good bloodlines and papers.

The problem being he says the bitch is gun shy.

He had it to a gundog trainer and breeder, paid him 600quid, still gun shy.

The breeder has offerd to take the bitch, plus 500quid for the 6yr spaniel.


Do you think thats a fair deal, the 6yr old is fully trained.

I said I would ring him back tomorrow.


Thanks Dave.

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How old is the bitch ?


So the "gundog trainer and breeder" has trained his springer bitch and its gun shy.

However, he doesn't offer a refund, but suggest he takes the bitch with "real good bloodlines and papers" (lots of puppies in her future), plus £500 and he will hand over a 6 year old spaniel (I assume it is allegedly trained).


If the bitch really is gun shy, then perhaps your mate might be better suited to do the straight swop for the 6 year old, after seeing it go through its paces and being sure it is trained (and not gun shy).

As regards the £500, I think the trainer/breeder is having a laugh and would tell him so.

He has already had £600 of your mate's money for nothing.

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Without going into ALL the reasons because I've had a couple and can't be bothered to type that long a post, tell him (the breeder, and alleged trainer - sounds more of the former than the latter to me) to get stuffed. Sell the gun shy dog, which is presumably obedient? to a pet home and buy another dog... and not one from the numpty he's proposing to buy one from.

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