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What a weekend


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What a weekend started off with Friday night popped down to one of the golf courses I shoot, never many rabbits down there but a lot of crows and always a fox… ended up popping off 9 crows and 11 rabbits before stopping for a quick call for a fox, now I should mention that Daz my normal shooting buddy was off shooting on a farm up the road and I was joined by my youngest brother!!

Who is a rugby star to come as the rest of the brothers who are all now out in New Zealand playing but anyway not shooters well not like us anyway… so he was happy to lamp and watch and drive the buggy!! Now he has never seen this calling foxes in before so I told him be very still and quirt and lets see what happens, now I must admit I did see a set of eyes when we were a long way off so I new one was around but didn’t say anything to him and didn’t think this would happen!!! four or five quick squeaks and in it comes from the right hand side of us we were at the top of this sand bank looking down at him coming flat out at us, now little brother holding the lamp couldn’t believe what he was seeing (and me having to tell him to shut up about 5 times and sit still) fox still coming!! I let it get within 50yards a pop 17hrm between the eyes down it went!! Little bro run down to pick it up of course picks it up wrong and now stinks of fox :/ but oh well he was made up and so was eye,


I told him how lucky he was to see that and not always it works like that as we were driving away with him now lamping like mad within a 60 seconds of pulling off he sand there’s another one I said don’t be silly to him he said again there’s one I looked and yep one more sat at 130 yards looking at us buggy off rifle ready pop down that went as well… again off he runs back in no time fox in hand wrong way up again but he so pleased with himself you want believe!! hate to think what he would be like if he shot it anyway called it a night then on the way back to the car I said did you enjoy that he said he loved it but didn’t think it was going to be that easy… if only he new :blush:


Last night out the way!! and the next morning I am off deer stalking with my mate it was fantastic we had 3 fallow bucks and 2 roe bucks it was a spot on day the keeper was spot on as where some new mates I have made. They put us on 2 roe which were 200 plus yards downed both of them.


And some nice fallow bucks all taken at 50 – 75 yards clean kills with our 270’s what a thump they deliver. Like a plumb I forgot the camera at home in my lamping bag :hmm: but I am going again soon pic’s next time.


Thanks for reading,



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sounds like someones got the bug......


looking forward to getting on one soon al,,,when funds allow...


glad you had such a good time mate





Bug mate you would not beleave i cant sleep at the mo, booked up already tell you more about it on friday again and probley again just to make sure you no how good it was.

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