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Decoying with more than one gun


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Until now, I have only ever done decoying on my own, or with a friend behind the same hide.  However, there is a big rape field, where there are often several groups of pigeons flying onto it, often from different directions.


So... is it any good to have other guns positioned in hides elsewhere around the field with their own decoys out, or is this counter-productive?


What experience have you had?

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Me and my mate regularly split up into two hides ,depending on the size of the field that is .

we have had some good days, often shots from one hide scare birds over to the other end of the field, and vice versa.

On odd occasions ,particularly last year, we had upto four of us on one big rape crop.

obviously prevailing conditions apply. If they are intent on feeding on that field and are arriving in reasonably smallish  flocks then it can pay dividends..But we have also seen massive flocks dissapear after the first shot,never to return.

Placing hides in different fields can also keep them on the move as well, if there are enough of you to do this.

But as always,  as we all probrably know, the unpridictable woody can make monkeys out of us all and not show anywere even if conditions are perfect.

Regards Sutty  :thumbs:  :D

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More often than not I shoot the same field with other guns. Sometimes in the same hide together and sometimes in different hides. Some folk use shells, full bods, dead birds or a combination; it makes no odds. We shoot over all crop types and all field sizes. Sometimes we have two hides shooting over one set of decoys.

The trouble comes when you've got birds coming in to your decoys, still out of range, when the bloke in the other hide fires a shot.

The other thing to watch is safety, but that goes without saying.

The trick is to never let the pigeons know there is two of you anyway.



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