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Ended with 110, mixed bag.


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I shot this exact field last Tuesday ending with a respectful bag of 11 pigeons and 39 crows with the most horrendous winds I have ever shot in (A few clips in Sporting Shooting Videos)


While i was shooting i had seen in excess of 200+ crows using both the grass field either side of the wheat stubble, so left it a week and that brings us to today.


Got to the field around 9:15ish and pushed off around 50+ pigeons and around 100 crows/rooks/jacks, Got set up in a hide that was built some old crates last year, slung my stealth net over and the hide was done. I set out 13 full bodied pigeon decoys, 6fuds and the magnet slightly to the right of the hide, 20 old frozen crows and used the spare magnet arm and a bouncer to the left.


Within seconds of getting into the hide i had already bagged 2 jackdaws, and then all hell broke loose, pigeons and crows flying all over - Only one pigeon decoyed that i dropped also a few more crows. When it calmed down i had a steady stream of crows and jackdaws and the odd rook through the morning and no pigeons what so ever. By this time i had decided to swap the pigeons on the magnet to crows and made the crow pattern a lot bigger and took most of the pigeon decoys in leaving only a few.


Getting to around 1:30 the shooting was on and off, the odd pigeon - and a hand full of crows every 20 minutes. The crows seemed to of cocked on to what was going on and decided to start using the grass fields again. I had started to see more pigeons using the field now so decided to swap back over to a bigger pigeon pattern putting out around 20shells, 6fuds, 13 full bodied and a hand full of pigeons that i had shot. From around 2:00 till 5:00 all i was getting was the odd pigeon and crow passing through taking a look.


Picked - 28pigeons, 8 feral pigeons, 37 crows/rooks, 31jackdaws - And lost 2 pigeons, 1 feral and 3 crows in the hedgerow behind me.


Pictures Below!, Thanks for reading.. and sorry for any spelling mistakes! :blink: - Also a cracking video in the (Sporting Shooting Videos) of today!.





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