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how was your 1st sept ?


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:lol: I was working offshore on the 1st and only got home late Tuesday

I went down to the shore for a scout last night a good many greys coming in but miles

high. I had a go at some duck but missed by a long way (Had to get my first shot off and get it out the system).


Went back out this morning watched the sun rise and patiently waited. And was the wait worth it.

A small skein 20ish, 3 shots and 2 & 1/2 down had a runner, which I went after before it managed to get into the water.

Had a coffee and I was more than happy and started to pack up when a large skein 100+ came right to and over me.

As I had not unloaded the escort yet I had another go and 2 more fell.

After picking them up, had another coffee and again started putting things away. And yes :good: you guessed it another skein of 50+ came right onto me. This time I just watched them fly over. 5 on my first morning out are more than enough.

And as I was heading back along the shore and across a wee bay yet more came right along the same flight path. So I was definitely in the right place at the right time.

Wont be going back there till next week. I intend to look for duck on another area of shore tonight, going decoying on stubble tomorrow morning and onto a flight pond on Saturday night


By the way one of the geese has a ring on it British Museum Natural History can anyone tell me what the protocall is with regard to letting them know I have bagged one of there birdies? :lol:




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