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Royal Mail/ Parcel Force


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To ensure an item was securely and safely wrapped, I was certain that the package would be far larger than the contents. Consequently, popped to the post office to check on maximum sizes and was given two glossy booklets containing that info. plus, at great length how super efficient the service was.

Parcel wrapped and back to the PO.

Now, I concede that I may not be able to find my house after too many pints of Station Porter, but the house itself is not lost. Similarly, neither is my car when I can't remember where I parked after attending the Game Fair. However, when it comes to insurance, both house and car are subject to many risks that a parcel isn't. The PO will have my parcel for 24 hours. Working on a pro rata basis, could someone explain to me why it costs thirty times as much to ensure a parcel than my house which is 250 times the value and 60 times as much with regard to my car at 10 times the value if they're so damned efficient?


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Simple answer is if you feel that way dont take out insurance .


Most arrive safe and well other times they are kicked around by postie .


As ABBA would say take chance on me .


Regards OTH

They also said, "Money, Money, Money", which I think is the truth of the matter.

God, how old and sad are we?


PS I didn't

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