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pigeon shooting

foxy 2250

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  • 2 weeks later...
can any one help me, i shoot a local farm where there are loads of pigeons feeding on the fields. they lift in a flock when i set up and neva return i use a horseshoe shape pattern but only get 1 or 2 cheers guys

Let us know where you are and someone on the forum could pop along and put you straight

bakerboy :unsure:

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What was in the field they lifted up from and are you sure they were feeding and not resting ?


If the birds never returned at all, there was probably nothing wrong with your set-up.

If they return and spook off from a distance, then thats the time to check out the hide and decoy layout.


At this time of year they have a lot of choice and decoying can be hard.

Knowing your land helps, as there will be fields that the birds favour over others.

Flightlines are also important and only observation over a period of time can provide you with the information you need.

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I'm almost certain unless you where noticing birds avoiding your setup that it's nothing to do with your actual decoy pattern! I would say more than likely that the birds where either resting on the field, gritting, or even possibly drinking if the field had flood water on it... If there wasn't any distinct flight-lines coming onto the field then this would probably be why they simply cleared off after a couple of bangs, and with all the stubbles around they can simply feed on the next field... I recommend that you study fields harder in future keeping an eye out for those all important flight-lines and let pigeons build up in numbers before hitting them... When other fields start to get plowed and food becomes more scarce you'll probably have better success on your permissions! Just check with your farmer when hes plowing your field as you wouldn't want to roll up and find it's been turned in! :yes:

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