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70th anniv of Battle of Britain tomorrow


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Having served in the RAF for 14 years (and other reasons) this is important to me. I shall be wearing my RAF tie to work with pride tomorrow.


Does anyone know of any events/memorials/services in London tomorrow??


Google just gives the RAFBF dinner (at £300 a ticket!).


Another thought.... those guys that gave their all (and still do, including my son) would be be ahorred at what this country has become.


H G Wells was right - "do not fear the Bear of the East, fear the rat of the desert"



Edited by Supersonic
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This should be important to everybody


Never before in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few


This is something that so many of us (Myself included I hasten to add- Much to my shame) forget far too often!


All who served then and those serve now did/do so without question or hesitation and deserve recognition and respect of the highest order, and I'm not just talking about the "Front Line Guys" or the "Fighter or Bomber Pilots" I'm talking about all of them - The Ground Crews, The Cooks, The Armourers, The Medics, etc, they all play or played their part!

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There was a programme on about this last night.


They were saying that towards the end of the battle of Britain when the Luftwaffe were attacking

the airfields the pilots were absolutely shattered, falling alseep into their breakfasts etc.


Luckily the Germans changed tack and started bombing london which gave the pilots some

respite. If they hadn't managed to hold out until then the RAF could have been wiped out

and the Germans almost definitely would have invaded.


On one of the first big German bombing raids the RAF got _all_ planes in the south east

into the air to attack them, there were only _160_ planes.


So it really is so much to so few.




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