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Pellets clipping the silencer on stealth ?


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Hey chaps, i got a gunpower stealth and the pellets keep clipping the silencer, giving me some very wild shots.


Any tips how to stop this?


The thing has to screw on straight because it butts up against the end of the gun "which is obviously flat"


Any help would be appreicated, as this is a nice little single shot, but cant be doing with the flyers!!


Cheers Jon

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Hey chaps, i got a gunpower stealth and the pellets keep clipping the silencer, giving me some very wild shots.



can you give any more details plz, are you getting lead left and making a mark to confirm your thoughts, what do you mean by clipping? exit end rifle? has it just started or have you just fitted a new silencer etc etc



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thanks for the reply paveman


Its the original silencer, ive clarified that pellets are "clipping" the silecer on their way out of the end.


Ive marked the inside of silencer (Muzzel end, (last point pellet leaves) with black marker. every so often a pellet will clip the end removing some of the ink.


gun has been apart a few times for cleaning etc, but is all back together as it should be.


Its strange, sometimes it hits, sometimes it doesnt.


All pellets are checked before they go in the gun for any difformities

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I had a similar problem with an air arms silencer on a s200, just clipping exit hole of silencer but enough to send pellets crazy.


Simple remedy, swap silencer for same and everything was fine.


This was done at my local gun shop Guns International at barnsley where you are always guaranteed top notch service, a chat and a coffee.

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Can think of a few things it could be. Has the grub screw's which hold the barrel spacers been chewed up. Check if the barrel is set correct to the outter body, don't rely on the machined holes, have a look.

If all else fails, open up the end of the hole with a drill. There just like a can really on the stealth's, not a true silencer. Good luck, have had many a tinker time with mine :lol:

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You might have a worn crown that is occasionally pushing the pellets out at an angle. Also check the condition of the pellets that you are loading. Is it possible they are getting damaged whilst loading is taking place?


If you remove the moderator and check your grouping using a number of shots, you might be able to determine if it is the moderator or not. Failing that get it into a gunsmith before it causes any major damage to your mod.

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You might have a worn crown that is occasionally pushing the pellets out at an angle. Also check the condition of the pellets that you are loading. Is it possible they are getting damaged whilst loading is taking place?


If you remove the moderator and check your grouping using a number of shots, you might be able to determine if it is the moderator or not. Failing that get it into a gunsmith before it causes any major damage to your mod.



axe has spoken for both of us, :lol:


pavman (with no e)

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i'v got the same problem bindi had.

pellets clipping the silencer on my s410. it shoots perfect groups without the silencer but with it on i get two points of impact for one point of aim :rolleyes:

i can't take it back to the shop as i bought it second hand. nether can i take it to a gunsmith coz the nerest one involves getting a ferry and a train. oh an i'm skint.

i think the pellets are hitting the internal baffle but could very well be hitting the end too.

any advice on stripping the thing down? it looks imposible tho.

or should i just settle for one very loud shot at a time for now? B)




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Find out where it is clipping first. Look for any shiney bare metal patches on the silencer. From there cover it in black marker as described above and see if it reoccurs. If so then drilling a SLIGHTLY bigger hole on the end might sove it. If it is the baffles then it might need a new silencer. If it is the crowning then you will need a 'smith. Not good but there is only so much you can do by yourself. :D

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I've had a couple of stealths over the years and 24joy is spot on. The mod for a stealth is realy just a resonator and the ends are just pressed in. Check your barrel spacers and check the barrel is sitting true in the body of the gun as from time to time the grub screws come slightly adrift also check the crown for damage/ware. Test the gun without the mod on if your grouping is fine then either 1, change the mod, 2, buy the 1/2 screw in converter and use a logun mod. The mod is only pressed together and is fairly easy to disassemble with the right tools but must be pressed back together so dont take it apart unless you have access to a press. Be sure that the rear end of the mod, the bit with the thread on, is true as if it has had a knock and because it is only pressed it may have come slightly adrift.

Edited by Falstafftap
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this is really peein me off now chaps....!!!! cant see any evidence of clipping now, however the sysptoms are more like this.....


I get a little (kinda tight) group then it fires a random shot or two then the impact point is somewhere different for a few shots (grouping at this point) then without warning it will fire at the original aimpoint again...



Whats up with it

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thats what im thinking but the thing is just too loud to fire in the garden. Suppose i could do it at my permission but it will scare everything off and will be left with nothing left to shoot!!!


Plus i cant really tinker with it out in the field.


i reallly cant see how its hitting the silencer, it not leaving any marks, and surely if its screwed flat against the frame, it should all line up.!!!!

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Jon until you get this sorted you shouldnt be shooting at anything. So taking it down your permission and scaring everything of isnt an issue is it.


Take the silencer off and test it, it really is the only way of trying to find the problem. Are you sure its too loud for the back garden, can't you fire from indoors through an open window. :blink:

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I could fire from the house but the trouble is, the neighbours know i own shotguns and are the type to ring the old bill if they start hearing bangs!!


Could do it in the house i suppose but with the stray pellets i may end up putting a hole in the wall!!! :blink:

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If the power is reduced enough to get the pellet clipping the Mod theres no telling where the pellet will go! But like I said, the only way your gonna find out if it is the mod is by taking it off and running a good deal of pellets through it. at least then you will know for sure.


Then you canm set about trying to get the problem sorted be it the crown or the mod or mod fixing.

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Its just a matter of procedure, start with the mod. Take it off and fire the shots. If that resolves it you know its the something with the mod. If you can remove the baffles try it with the mod on but baffles and front plate off. That will tell you if the pellet is hitting the mod at the crown end. If not then the pellet is hitting the baffles or the end plate, which would mean they are out of alignment. But with all that clipping you could be into a new mod ny now or having to drill it out significantly.

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hey axe, ive just tried it with the mod off and its still fireing odd groups, not as wild but the groups still arent tight. About 1/2" at 5 yards (in garage)


Tried it with the endcap on and its scuffed that in about three places!!!


What can this be surely, the encap is mere cm's from the barrell!!

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