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Goose Flights


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go to foreshore...free


ask 1 of the scottish 'fowlers on here to take you out if you havent been before, i am sure 1 will be kind enough to show you the way


or if you want inland.. just have a drive about up there and knock on some doors, thats how i got my shooting up there


there is a couple of adverts in back of the shooting times..give em a call and ask for a price

i know they arent cheap but sometimes well worth it

Edited by TJ91
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Cheers for the info...last time i got permission from a farmer up there i nearly got my tyres done....some bloke giving me a right old mouthfull saying he had been watching the field for a goose guide....and that the field was to be shot tomorrow...and so on..

Edited by bigdev
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Oh yes....****ed up a good morning shooting, geese were flooding into the deeks while we were having a face off...


Bad Times i say...


Yep, have run into a few of them, some are decent, many arent


But if you get the go ahead from the farmer and a guide comes over just call the police, the police up there know what most of them are like!

Edited by TJ91
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