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Spaniel training


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My seven month old springer spaniel training seems to be going ok. However, when taking out in open field she sits when told and within seconds will run off and refuse to return either by whistle command or signal. I have had the bitch for 2 months prior to which she was left to god and good neighbours with her brothers and sisters. Was the five months too long to be left without any form of training or am I expecting too much from her at this stage.

Any advice would be gratefully appreciated by a novice gundog trainer (used to Jack Russells !!)

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NTTF will no doubt have some good advice later but from my experience you have to crack down now or she will run rings round you.


Get a long lead and NEVER let her off it. If you are getting her to sit then only do it a few feet away and get ready to grab her if she moves.


If you try not to put her in a situation where she can disobey you then you have won half the battle.

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First teach her to heel, sit and recall to a verbal command on a short lead. Then teach her to sit and recall to a whistle on a short lead. Then teach her to sit and recall on an extented lead....best on a retractable lead.... both to the verbal and the whistle. Then teach her to sit and recall to the verbal and whistle off lead.


Try this for some obediance guidelines:




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good video is the ian openshaw basic spaniel training,then the advanced training.

if your dog as got the genes then you wont go far wrong trained two spaniels this way both turned out a pleasure too work and have got me loads picking up that as led too some good pigeon shooting, basically your looking at about 10 minute training sessions, but don't move on until you've mastered each discipline,in my opinion the stop whistle is a crucial part of the training process, once the dog as stopped you can recitify where it went wrong,lot patience is needed but most spaniels working bred turn out good.

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