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Fox problem out of control


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Write to the Sun, their sensationalist ******** can do something useful for a change. Remember the fox-in-bedroom story? had the desired effect on people, and your council will change their tune PDQ when the Sun says they're endangering human safety for some mangy little fox!


As for your council, bunch of tree-hugging fluffy-bunnyite idiots. Do think publicity is a good idea, your constituents might vote somewhere else next time!



I second that. What sort of foolish tree hugging muppet decided that having Fox **** all over a childrens sports field is acceptable? I fully understand that some people like to preserve wildlife and don't like the idea of killing things but in some situations it just has to be done. We all know what kids are like - they ran around and fall over, mess around with things and rarely wash their hands. That's just what kids do and for someone to suggest that having Foxes spraying territory and dumping all over scholl grounds is is just plain stupid!


Perhaps the bad publicity will make the parents kick off, which in turn will force the council to sort it out. If any kid of mine was in that situation the **** would hit the fan in a big way! :good:

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Re Leptospirosis I think it was the guy that did the fox watch program for the BBC that wrote a book on the research he was doing on urban foxes and wild ones near a village one of them died and when it was PM'd it had died of Leptospirosis I think his name was McDonald. I have the book somewhere the guy is reckoned to be an authority on foxes but I think he allows some of his findings to be clouded by his personal feelings. The thing is anyone seeing a rat would be on the phone to environmental health right away but a fox would leave alot more contaminated urine in one night of marking round a schoolyard than a colony of rats but people feed Foxes :good:

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