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Started HPR training today!!!

Evil Elvis

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Well, took Purdey out with Raja Clavata and his dog Zeus today fro an introduction to hpr.Was not expecting what happenned tbh.


Purdey pretty much did everything that was bid of her for 3 hours!!! we tried stay and walk away...and she did it. We tried a dummy retrieve and she did it!!!


Went to the reservior to try a water retrieve she belted into the water and then got out of her depth and wouldnt do it again!!!


So i took her to a quiet corner and played fetch inot the water until she got out of her depth confidently...she cracked that too


I was well chuffed!!!!


Zeus has come on famously and was the star pupil today..........made all the other dogs look insignificant and when he was attacked by a male viszla just shrugged it off and ignored it.....bloody well done that boy!!!! Hes easily twice its size!!


Great afternoon....im bloody shatterred now. Purdey went straight into the shower when we got in....she stunk!!!!! Shes zonked now!!!



Edited by Evil Elvis
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Really glad you enjoyed it mate. The girl did very well, really well!


Thanks for the kind words about Zeus; we're running him in "lean" mode at the moment but he's still a lump - really glad he knows how to behave in front of other dogs as we couldn't afford the vet bills if he was the agressor. If my dog was as anti-social as one or two there I wouldn't go back through shame regardless of how good they are in the field.


Puts concerns about not having a perfect retrieve to hand into perspective.


Pleased that ours both get on well and am looking forward to training them together further in the future.


The poor lady with the 10 month old "hooligan" male GSP was besides herself at the end - I encouraged her to come back but she's deffo in two minds. Should have got her number as I have a couple ideas...


Next one is 7th November - let's get a few sessions in before then - I'm going to miss the one after on the 5th Dec...

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