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Some Law Advice Needed


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Right, I have a question which a friend of mine has just posed during a chat.


I passed my driving test in August, i am 17, and i am in the process of buying a van. I shoot once a fortnight minimum, and would like to take my gun in the van to the shoots, thus not having to rely on mum to give lifts. However the question posed is: Is it legal for me, being 17, to have my gun in the van whilst driving to and from the place of the shoot where i have permission to shoot? The reason for this is that now they have raised the legal age to 18, me driving wit my gun on a public road, means i have my gun in a public place.


Where do i stand on this?


Hope it makes sense..!



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I would be surprised if the law interpreted a sleeved or cased gun in a private vehicle as being in a "public place".


Taking it out of the vehicle and walking along the road might be.


Also - the wording is public place without purpose - so legitimate transport through a public place is OK anyway.

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