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Licence back after variation but slight question.


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Just got my licence back from Kent police for a variation, 2 week wait to see my FEO and a week later my licence arrives back so they must be doing well.



On my variation i applied for a second .22 rifle and second .22 moderator, on my licence it shows a spare slot for a .22 moderator which is correct, then it has a spare slot for a ".22 Rifle" and my ammo slots state ".22RF" does that mean i`m not restricted to just .22Lr and can acquire any .22 rimfire rifle like a WMR? Wondered if anyone had come across this before otherwise i`ll give Kent police a call.

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This has come up many a time, personally in my opinion if you want a WMR apply for one if you put in for a spare slot for a 22lr which Im assuming you did then that is what your feo will expect you to get. All my license says is 22 rifle but my feo knew that I wanted a 22lr and that is what I bought.

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Wasn't this one answered just last week ? If it says .22rf then get a .22rf.Whether it's a magnum or not is entirely up to you,it's still a rimfire and therefore you are not in breach of the terms of your ticket.Many people have done it ,including myself.

The only thing I would say is ,if you do get a magnum,you'll lose loads on it's resale value as the .17 almost killed off the .22 Mag's popularity,which is a shame as it doesn't half have some clout for a rf.

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