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Browning O/Us im baffled


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Im thinking of getting a nice new o/u, i have a 325 grd 1 from the the first year of production (1988) and i reallly like it but its 2 3/4" chambers and not steel shot proof, its a great clay gun.

I do a little bit of game shooting some rough shooting and clay shooting.

So i was thinking about a browning 525 hunter type, but there are millions of them.

Its got to be 30" tubes and a multi choke. Which one should i be looking at?

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I know the "nordic" has an auto safety other than that its quite simple really B525 Hunter or Sporter both come in several guises Classic, Elite, Light classic and prestige 76cm is 30"


Actually i have a 525 and can't find it's current equivalent on the Browning website 30" vented barrels LH 525

Edited by HDAV
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If you shoot a lot of clays I think the sporter might be the one for you.


My pal has the Hunter bought new last year (with a nice oiled stock) and I have a game model 525 from 2006 (with a lacquered stock). Mine's fine for clays really but I use 21g loads through it for that. I do find it a bit hefty for pigeon shooting at 7.5lbs compared to my AYA sbs but then I would, wouldn't I !


You won't be disappointed with a 525. Main thing would be for you to see the gun before buying of course !


My gun came from Swillington Shooting Supplies who were really good.

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Still heavy though...

Thats part of the reason im thinking about a change to game gun.



The problem with the lighter guns is they suffer from recoil so you have to use the lighter loads. That`s ok for clays as I use only 21g and 24g all the time and they will both kill ANY clay target.

The lighter loads are not so clever when shooting game or rough shooting as you need a bigger load and that means recoil and lots of it with a lighter gun.

The Sporter is ideal for clay shooting but a Sporter can be a bit heavy to carry round a field all day unless your fit. How ever recoil will not be much of a problem.


I should get out there and try as many guns as you can.

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