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Change of address


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Just before last xmas we moved house so I done the right thing and wrote to my fire arms officer informing him of the move with in the seven days of the move.

this week I recived a letter saying that I had to phone him at his office, so I did, and he is coming out on the 25th((Tuesday)

He will be doing the usual check of guns, security ect ect and will be taking my licence away for re publish.

What I want to know is......... can I still travell with my gun in the car ?

Can I still use them while he has my ticket ?

Have any of you chaps had any experiences of this topic?


All the best chaps


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Buzzer I had this problem with my renewal as posted a couple of months ago. I was without a certificate for nearly 3 months,but fortunately my local shop supplied me with cartridges as he knew i had a certificate. When shells were needed out of town , friends would buy for me.The police when asked what the position is if stopped by one of their mates just said tell them that it is going through the system.

Very re assuring !! :< ;)

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Buzzer,i would ask him why he wants it?surley they will just print another licence,they wont/cant alter the old one,they are ment to be tamperproof anyway.it just goes to show how inconsistant different forces are,i still have my old one which expired in the beginning of feb,no one has asked for it or told me what to do with it,i will have to ring them i suppse

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Tell the officer that you will give him the cert when you recive the new one you have no legal requirment to surrender your cert . Ive still got my old certs from when thay came on white cards. Despite having moved three time in the mean time. Remember you do not have to give up your cert. If you doubt this advice phone b.a.s.c . they will tell you the same thing.

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Ernyha, you were lucky! Anything to do with my shotgun cert takes 6 months. My cert expired by 5 months last time I renewed, having sent it in a month early. Changed address into another force area- took NYP 6 months to post it to TVP. Now I'm back in yorkshire again and I'm not holding my breath.

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