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22 Hornet

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34 gr hp Dogtown bullets ,Has anyone come across these over here in the uk , Midway is knocking them out for under £14-00 a hundred ,Do they group ok or are they all over the place.

Yank forums have it that they're half decent and perhaps because they could well be made by Nosler. However, don't expect too much range, like all Hornet "named" bullets the BC is low - about half of a Nosler 40gr BT.


Edit: 2nd sentence added (had to go out).

Edited by wymberley
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I use 55grn Dogtown in .223 as my main deer load.

They group acceptably out to 200yds. which is as far as I normally use them.


As a rough guide they produce MOA, and I did manage to tighten them up by playing around with the load, but they are seconds so don't expect target accuracy.


They are purported to be Remmington seconds.



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