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mad scientist today


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became a mad inventor again this morning, following on from a post on another forum about using a crow deek and fox tail on a pigeon magnet, thought that although it sounded crazy, it just might work, at bringing down a pack of pesky magpie's that so far, have out witted me one one of my permissions, Ive tried all manner of stuff, dead rabbits, distress call, large owl deeks, none have worked, so am going to try this later in the week, see if I get anymore joy...


fingers crossed the movement and tail will bring them in to investigate



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That fox tail seems to work cos there is what looks like a Maggie constantly chasing after it, mind you the poor little ****** is going to get awful dizzy if it doesn't catch it soon! :yes::lol::lol:


I'm only joking mate, good luck with it!

Edited by Frenchieboy
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  • 4 weeks later...

well that idea was totally a no go-er, but I wasent going to be beated by those maggies, went back the next day for some rimmy shooting, had a rabbit before heading back to the car, and came across a little patch that Ive totally overlooked before, where the magpies tend to roost, so placed the rabbit down, belly side up, then settled in under a tractor 60yds away, within minutes a maggy had landed, and was dispatched straight away, the sky then errupted with screaming maggies, dropping in one by one, as I dropped them one by one, I got 6 before they figured out it was'ent a safe place to be



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Great result but why didn't you use your roundy roundy maggie chasing fox brush thingy, it needs a test run out in the foeld (Videoed of course mate)?



Well done mate. I ******* hate magpie's and their most definitly number one on my most wanted list.

Keep the good work up mate. :good::oops::yes::lol: .


If you do manage to road test that invention you made out in the field. Try and make a video

if possible, if it in use so we can see the results lol.


it was definatly given a field test, 4hrs and NOTHING,

the six shot ones are all in the freezer, for next trip out,

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