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1st Fox with new barrel


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Whilst popping round one of my permissions to get my permission paper signed for my renewal the farmer i asked if he had seen anything about, Fox's in particular, "not seen him but the dogs were at it about 11.30 last night" he said, Oh! okie dokie i will pop round later then.


So with the idea of taking both the 22lr for rabbits and my newly barreled 22.250 just in case Mr Fox showed i got the gear sorted and off i went, shot a few rabbits but to be honest there were not that many about at all,after putting the 22 away i checked the time 11.10 time to change tackticks and start calling for the Fox there she was just about on the dot 11.25 looking down to the bottom of the field eyes appeared under a large Oak tree. i had to check it was a Fox as there plenty of lambs on the farm and didnt want to drop a clanger, she wasnt coming any nearer to the call just kept walking along the edge of the field on the other side of the sheep netting.I was hoping she would come in closer as i estimated the range to be about 200yds within range i know but would have liked it closer.She finally stopped just long enough for the shot "Smack" dead centre of the chest no exit wound whatsoever the 50grn Nosler BT did the job perfectly.

Sorry pictures not too good off mobile


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