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pigeon decoys...........


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So, being new to decoying, and i missing something here?


I have the 'old' rubber type decoys, yet they seem to pull the pigeons in no problem. Are all these new fangeled (and expensive) decoys really doing the job any better? Mine are just sprayed rubber, and although i dont have a great number of pigeons on where i shoot, they still seem to come in as soon as they see them. :good:

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Those old rubber ones (I still have 20 in the garage) - is memory playing tricks - Flexicoy? were expensive and I reckon that if you can still get them they'd actually cost more than the new fangled kit.


PS Yes, you can and they are. If it is the Flexicoy I'm on about, the original ones had a rectangular embossed stamp underneath with the maker's name and details which you could actually read, no wonder they cost a bit!


Edit: PS

Edited by wymberley
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