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lidl are selling garlic in a small basket they are the single bulb variety which means you peel the bulb and the whole garlic is usable so no faffing about having to peel lots of small cloves ;)


Edited by holly
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lidl are selling garlic in a small basket they are the single bulb variety which means you peel the bulb and the whole garlic is usable so no faffing about havig to peel lots of small cloves ;)

I've never heard of them? Are they any good?

Also how much are they? Do they keep well and finally could I grow them on?



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I've never heard of them? Are they any good?

Also how much are they? Do they keep well and finally could I grow them on?



cant remember the price but i know they are less than a quid a good strong flavour and seem to keep very well. not sure about growing but you would be planting one to get one

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