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Shooting Seats


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I too suffer from a bad back and have found that a shooting stick only exacerbates the problem. If I`m going to sit down it needs to be properly with the weight taken off my legs, and therefore pelvis and lower back, completely.


The root cause of your back trouble might, of course, be different from mine but I suspect you would find that you had wrongly invested your dosh.


My shooting seat consists of a suitably sized robust plastic drum, artistically sprayed in an avant garde cammo pattern, with two, thick, garden kneeling mats, trimmed to shape and threaded through the rope handle which is long enough to go over ones shoulder.


It is`nt pretty although it cost nothing, and it is bulky, although very light and surprisingly comfortable. You can, of course, stand to shoot but I`ve learned to shoot from a seated position and regularly use it roost shooting.

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