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how and what to use, cleaning gunstock


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Greetings all, I want to look after the o/u shotgun that I have, it needs to last me a fair ol while due to my finances etc


its a fabarm with that tri-wood finish, its wood, not synthetic, but I think its maybe died or something done with it


anyway whats recomended to keep it clean and shiney, but not slippery?

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Greetings all, I want to look after the o/u shotgun that I have, it needs to last me a fair ol while due to my finances etc


its a fabarm with that tri-wood finish, its wood, not synthetic, but I think its maybe died or something done with it


anyway whats recomended to keep it clean and shiney, but not slippery?


wd40 or 3 in 1 oil

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If its a proper wood finish then linseed type oil or wax the wax i use on SbS is CCL fine wax polish (available at most gun shops) and used sparingly, if there is a hard finish on the wood varnish type then just keep dry and prevent oil seeming in from the action by storing barrels down

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If its a proper wood finish then linseed type oil or wax the wax i use on SbS is CCL fine wax polish (available at most gun shops) and used sparingly, if there is a hard finish on the wood varnish type then just keep dry and prevent oil seeming in from the action by storing barrels down





Legia also has it's uses on wood!

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Small amount walnut oil from the supermarket on a lint free cloth (big bit of muslin will do), rub it in fast & hard (said the actress to the bishop) as often as you like and the stock'll be fine.


The oil also makes a lovely salad dressing - win-win! :whistling:

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