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Farmer Land with shooting permission or Pest Control


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Dear All Air Rifles Mates,


1) I am looking for a place to shoot with my air rifle in Dartford, Kent area, does anyone know something, I have been trying everything.


2) Looking for a BSA r10 second hand or BSA ultra Multi or single shoot in perfect condition.


Best Regards,


Nuno Faria

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Nuno, I have moved this post to this section as it concerns airgunning.

However, you should consider making it two posts, one looking for shooting permission and posting it in the "Gaining Permission................" section and the other as a "Wanted" Ad and posting that in the "Trading Post" in the "Wanted" section. :good:

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Nuno, I have moved this post to this section as it concerns airgunning.

However, you should consider making it two posts, one looking for shooting permission and posting it in the "Gaining Permission................" section and the other as a "Wanted" Ad and posting that in the "Trading Post" in the "Wanted" section. :good:




Thank you so much for you help...

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Trouble today is there is more Air Gunner who want to Shoot / control Vermin than Land


Especially as more get's built on


Check out Local Air Gun Cub/s - you often find that Members have sown up Vermin Shoots


Another problem - is Land Groups are buying up Farms - for possible housing and Selling Shooting rights



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You are spot on, it is huge the number of people asking the same. Sadly there isnt much places were we can have a bit of fun on Sunday, thanks for your reply.


By the way, if you know any club with nice tariffs, please give me a shout.



Have you seen Pete's Airgun farm in Chelmsford Essex, see www.airgunfarm.co.uk. Not been there myself but fairly local to you.



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