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Devon & Cornwall Constabulary


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'ere, that was good! Mentioned a while back about the new renewal system - they send out the forms as usual and your referees do their bit with the FAC but you don't send anything back as they come to you. FEO (mature, knowledgeable and sensible lady) turned up and did the usual but checked my forms were correctly completed and filled in all her paperwork. This meant that she'd seen what I'd written and vice versa so the chance of any errors were negligible - the forms that she completed were laid out as per the actual certificates so what you see is what you get. This just has to be more efficient: Just as well really, from what she was saying they're up to neck. Apparently these guys are better paid than many of the other civilian staff so, naturally, are targets for any cost saving exercise and they're already understaffed as it is.


PS Still preferred the young dolly blonde though.

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'ere, that was good! Mentioned a while back about the new renewal system - they send out the forms as usual and your referees do their bit with the FAC but you don't send anything back as they come to you. FEO (mature, knowledgeable and sensible lady) turned up and did the usual but checked my forms were correctly completed and filled in all her paperwork. This meant that she'd seen what I'd written and vice versa so the chance of any errors were negligible - the forms that she completed were laid out as per the actual certificates so what you see is what you get. This just has to be more efficient: Just as well really, from what she was saying they're up to neck. Apparently these guys are better paid than many of the other civilian staff so, naturally, are targets for any cost saving exercise and they're already understaffed as it is.


PS Still preferred the young dolly blonde though.


sounds simalar to one we have round Staffs, Andrea, very nice lady :good:


I had a visit 2 weeks ago for my renewal but it was a dog handler drafted in to help with the back log. It turned out he new my Mum from her boarding kennels, he takes his dogs there. He came round at 12.25 and eventually left at 15.00, great chap very freindly and helpfull and i actually ended up with another rifle on my ticket that i didnt ask for on my application :good::yes: I only got it back last week, i was supprised it only took 2 weeks which for the comments i was getting from Stafford i was expecting longer, good job really as i need it for thursday as i,m going Boar shooting in Croatia and it ran out on the 7th of November

Edited by Dougy
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