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Got one!


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Got in from work today and there was a letter waiting from a local Cricket Club agreeing to my shooting rabbits on their grounds!


I wrote to them last week using good proper English (hard for a Cornishman :) ) outlining my experience and desire to help with their bunny problem after being tipped off by a friend that lives is the area. I included my BASC membership details and offered references and also included a map and an SAE asking that they let me know either way but if they were happy for me to shoot could they mark the areas on the map. I hoped that this might help reassure them that I take this seriously.


My permission letter clearly states what I can shoot, with what and the areas to clear as well as contact details, I gave them a quick ring this evening to introduce myself, thank them for the opportunity to shoot on their land and check which evening if any would be inappropriate. I have the cricket field and a very large area used for car boot sales teeming with bunnies with which i am very happy.


Just wanted to post this to show that these opportunities sometimes come out of the blue. I just need to pursuade one of the local farmers to let me shoot some pigeons and i'll be set.



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