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when to break cover

black hat

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hi all i think i've got the jist of setting out deeks

but my question is after a unwhiting breast on wings has been landed

should i break cover strieght away to position it as an extra deek in my lay out or leave it hoping it wont spook others.



and what is the best time to go out am ,pm late pm ect


im out this week end so your helpfull hints would be greatfully recieved



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Shoot-leave until the next one comes in and if it too comes in OK.If not LEAVE it,wait for a few more birds and watch what they do.In fact wait til there`s a lull and then go out and set the dead ùns up.

At this time of year who knows what time?but I would suggest earlier the better.

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Welcome to PW by the way :D

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As a rule of thumb I wouldn`t get out of the hide, provided you are well hidden, until a bird jinks or panics. This may indicate a bird on it`s back or in an unnatural position. Wait for a lull in the shooting, but take your gun with you! As with pouring out a cuppa, or having a pee, this will be the time when they start to drop in again. In rape, a bird you thought was down may get up and fly, so keep your gun handy.

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i find its definately best to be there before daybreak,setting up this way always works well for me. this way the birds see nothing put out or moving about ,up here they hit the fields asoon as it break light,I leave all failing birds unless one is upside down and birds start to jink away then you have to sort it ,but my dog does that so it doesnt disturb them to much anyway.good luck

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If the bird is not dead, I normally go and dispatch it straight away. Otherwise, I leave them down if the landing spot in my pattern is clear. Whenthings are quiet I pick them up and place them in the pattern.


Invector has a good point about keeping your gun with you at all times. Sometimes after shooting one down, other pigeons which were on nearby trees might come to your pattern.

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hi all i think i've got the jist of setting out deeks

but should i break cover strieght away to position it as an extra deek in my lay out or leave it hoping it wont spook others.



and what is the best time to go out am ,pm late pm ect


im out this week end so your helpfull hints would be greatfully recieved



" my question is after a unwhiting breast on wings has been landed"

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Always take your gun with you when picking birds. The number of times when I left the hide and go to pick a bird (particularly headshots) it suddenly springs and flys.


Apart from that, on red letter days, I had to join my lab to retrieve birds. On several occasions I have actually laid down in or next to my deeks as I did not have time to get back to the hide and shot birds landing adjacent to me. Great!



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