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permission has dryed up


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guy my only permission, a golf course has dryed right up in the last three trips out ive seen one bunny. there is other feilds next to it but the land owner is only letting a guy fly his hawks on it , as last year soe little sh@t shot 2 of his horses . i dont want to start pouching on the feilds as the cops are always driving by. has anyone got any ideas what i can do? ivev tryed every where i can in the gateshead area for land but the only yes i got was fro the golf course and i think thats because the grounds keeper knew it wasnt very good and i would give up . ive spoke to people how had it before me and they said its been cleared for years .

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I'd try getting in there first to the groundsman, let him know that you are still interested, that you are very keen, and has he found the blighter yet that shot at his hay burners?


Get in there quickly, otherwise if you just let it dry up with no contact, he'll never want you back. Yes the guy with the hawks might be doing a good job, but he can't fly them at night (I assume!), but you can get up there plenty with a light I guess if the population gets bigger.

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I'd try getting in there first to the groundsman, let him know that you are still interested, that you are very keen, and has he found the blighter yet that shot at his hay burners?


Get in there quickly, otherwise if you just let it dry up with no contact, he'll never want you back. Yes the guy with the hawks might be doing a good job, but he can't fly them at night (I assume!), but you can get up there plenty with a light I guess if the population gets bigger.

the guy with the hawk flys it all the time and i mean all the time. ive seen him flying at night and in the day. ive talked to him and he says that he dont mind me taking a rabbit or 2 when he isnt there but if the farmer see's he said nothing . but the farmer is still looking for the **** that shot his horses so he is keeping his eye on the field. they didnt kill them but pellets in the legs cant be good. vet bills alown would be throw the roof. i keep calling him a farmer but he just owns the feilds that the horses are in.

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  • 3 weeks later...

the guy with the hawk flys it all the time and i mean all the time. ive seen him flying at night and in the day. ive talked to him and he says that he dont mind me taking a rabbit or 2 when he isnt there but if the farmer see's he said nothing . but the farmer is still looking for the **** that shot his horses so he is keeping his eye on the field. they didnt kill them but pellets in the legs cant be good. vet bills alown would be throw the roof. i keep calling him a farmer but he just owns the feilds that the horses are in.



The people that do that Knacker it for the rest of us.No wonder we need insurance.A guy tried to walk his dogs on my perm (This was at 4am and he should have been in bed).I'm nocturnal.and he was told politely where to go.15 acres and he had to pick that field to have a wander In.(The landowners let everyone know we will be shooting there at any time)Clown I say.He Knew there'd be about seven of us up there that night with powder and airguns.Jim.{Night Owl}.

Edited by jimcam
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Does this mean you'll be Rabbit Slayer No. 2 from now? :D


Seriously though, it's annoying. The same thing happened to me a year or so ago. But now the area hasn't been shot for a while the rabbits are coming back. Can the golf club give you a reference? It might be helpful in persuading landowners that you are safe, reliable, etc etc.

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The people that do that Knacker it for the rest of us.No wonder we need insurance.A guy tried to walk his dogs on my perm (This was at 4am and he should have been in bed).I'm nocturnal.and he was told politely where to go.15 acres and he had to pick that field to have a wander In.(The landowners let everyone know we will be shooting there at any time)Clown I say.He Knew there'd be about seven of us up there that night with powder and airguns.Jim.{Night Owl}.


so why should he be in bed, it is his choice when he is up and when to wlk his dog

yes he may of been trespassing but come on who are to say he should be in bed...you werent.


oh and the landowners let evryone know...they didnt tell me!?


seven of you shooting at once over a 15acres..maybe not a great idea in the dark

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so why should he be in bed, it is his choice when he is up and when to wlk his dog

yes he may of been trespassing but come on who are to say he should be in bed...you werent.


oh and the landowners let evryone know...they didnt tell me!?


seven of you shooting at once over a 15acres..maybe not a great idea in the dark



hard to argue with that!

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