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yesssssssss got my fac certificate today am buzzin it reads 17hmr .22 rimfire,s and 243 with sound moderators and ammunition to be used for shooting vermin and for zeroing ranges.or land deemed suitable by chief officer of police for the area where the land is situated and over which the holder has lawfull authority to shoot.i am unsure if this means open or closed ticket would like to ask knowledgeble members there thoughts.

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thanks lads closed or open i am still happy to get this after years of thinking should i apply or not anyhow got some suitable land to shoot on so sent my form in.my feo also says if i get anymore land to send details in.so i am going to buy a cz 17 hmr for now and get some rabbit control done then after a while buy a 243.

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When I first applied for an FAC the Firearms Dept would not allow me to have a .243 for Fox!They said I could have a .22 CF so after much research I opted for a 22-250 which is a brilliant calibre for Fox.I'm more than happy with my .22-250 in which I wouldn't swap it for a .243 now!!

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i had asked for the 243 for fox control but it say for shooting all vermin on license.

The reason why I asked was because when I had my original land check for 243 the FEO asked if I wanted fox as well as deer, I said yes and pointed out that most of the foxes patrol around the farm and pheasant pens where the land didnt really lend itself to the use of 243. The FEO knew I had a .17hmr and told me to use that in those areas, I asked if the fox would then be covered under the vermin condition, he said yep it would be fine.

A year or so later I opened up my 243 ( rimmies had been done a few years previously) and they sent the license back with the chief of police thing removed but had only put deer down for it so I gave them a call. Their mistake and they asked me to send the license back for correction, I happily mentioned that it was no problem as any foxes that came along could be dealt with with the .17hmr. They had my details up on their computer and said, no you won't be able to shoot foxes as the .17hmr is for vermin only. I did some research on the Home office guidance for police site and found this.


13.16 The term game covers certain birds

and animals that may be shot for food and

sport. Apart from deer which are dealt with

below, these may include rabbit, hare,

pheasant, partridge, grouse, woodcock and

other game birds. The term vermin is not

defined in law, but it may include destructive

species that cause damage to crops or

property such as rabbits, mink, stoat, weasel,

brown rat, and grey squirrel, as well as some

birds such as wood pigeon, rook and crow.

Foxes are dealt with in paragraphs 13.23 and

13.24. Under schedule 6 of the Wildlife and

Countryside Act 1981, certain species such as

wild cats, pine martens, badgers and otters

may not be shot with any automatic or semiautomatic

firearm or killed or taken by other

prohibited methods under section 11(2) of

the 1981 Act. These species may be pests

under certain circumstances but may only be

killed under licence (see also Chapter 14).


So license now ammended I have .22rf for vermin, .17hmr for vermin and fox, 243 for deer and fox.

Just thought I would share this as FAC's are hard enough to get without plod having a good reason to take em back.

Edited by Redgum
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I got my fac back today with my vermin variation. It does not specify fox or deer, but does say " vermin or, in the course of carrying on activities in the connection of management of any estate, other wildlife"


How's that for diffent lol

Most of them say that, its so unclear were the law lies, if you shoot a fox with your .17hmr and for some crazy reason you get reported by an anti and its proved would you loose your license?

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