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big flocks


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I was out on Saturday and saw the biggest flock of pigeons I've ever seen in my life. I've organised about 100 guided days a year for the last 5 years and have shot recreationally for 20 years before that so I've seen some massive numbers of pigeons in the past.

None of the flocks I've seen before came anywhere close to the size of this. I had a client on a freshly cut bean stubble! And every shot he took was at flocks 2..3..400 in size, it was a constant conveyor belt of large flocks coming to his decoys. It's very hard to guess how many birds there were but it had to be up around 10,000.

There was very little snow there as it's next to the sea and a lot of the birds that were inland have been pushed to the coast as we had up to 24" in places. The beans covered 25 acres and were cut on Tuesday last week with some snow and frozen ground! I spoke to the farmer when he was starting to cut them, there were thousands of pigeons on them then and the numbers have grown all week since they were cut. When I walked across the field on Saturday the ground was covered in beans.


We ended up with 204 for 2 guns, the weather was flat calm and sunny all day.




Edited by M ROBSON
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