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Thanks for the reply bullet boy-sounds like you,re happy with yours-i,ve never tried one before and have just paid £400 for an immaculate .22 with silencer-simmons 4-12x50 and full filling kit so now im just waiting for it to arrive.How do you prepare your pellets and which have you found the best.Do you get yours serviced? and if so by whom and how much does it cost?-also who makes the things? cos i cant find any info on the company-sorry its a bit like the third degree!!

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Logun MK2 Professional rifles were set up to take Accupells.It might be a good idea to ask the previous owner what pellets were used in your rifle.Because the rifle has a built in inline magazine the mag shuttle has to be set-up by a specific pellet type.

If my Accupells are a little dry I just spray a touch of WD40 on them and give the tin a good shake before use.

Also make sure you don't cycle the bolt very fast otherwise you may get a jam.

In a nutshell this rifle is superbly accurate.If I had a complaint about it it would be the inline magazine as I prefer removable ones!

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Hi Bruno,


Not sure if it’s the same model but I just recently purchased a Logun PCP airrifle. it also takes approx 10 pellets in a built in inline magazine. I don’t think there are many airguns like this? I may be wrong??

It is extremely accurate and consistent I was very impressed as originally I only got it because I liked the look of it. The Loguns also very smooth and you get a fair few shots out of a charge. Only problem is I find it a bit fiddly loading the pellets but I guess there is a knack to it.

I would just second what Bulletboy said about the pellets, Accupels fit it perfectly. But mine is currently out of operation due to having the wrong pellet jammed in it. Well that’s what I think happened because I cannot push the bolt forward something stopping it. They say you find out things the hard way well first time I put too longer pellet was my fault even though I wasn’t aware of this problem of needing short pellets. JSB Exacts definitely don’t fit but I managed to get it out by just shaking it but this time the person who put the wrong pellet in forced the bolt forward and I think the pellet got crushed and is not shifting. So another job when I get 5 minutes. Just make sure if you are shooting down the club that no one has left their pellet tin on the bench and you insert the wrong pellet. Think this is what happened. They just loaded with pellets from wrong pellet tin.


Mine is imaculate and had not had any pellets through when I purchased it a couple of months ago it was a stockroom find at my local RFD. They were not sure how old it was but it Still has the Logun sticker on the Butt.


I think you have made a good choice and I am sure you will love the Logun as it is so smooth and accurate just beware of pellet choice!!!

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Webley Accupells are basicly the same as the now discontinued Crosman ones.Like I said earlier check with previous owner what pellets were used just in case the rifle was set-up by a different pellet type.

Why or how could Webley take over Crosman for Accupel production?

Crosman must be worth a billion dollars, so surely this must be a localised branding issue?


Are they producing under licence in the uk? :blink:

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I think that Crossman may have sold the name/design of the Accupell to Webley who ,in turn, have ruined what was a great pellet.If you look at the new Crossman adverts for pellets you will notice that they are hinting that the Crossman domed pellet is in fact the Accupell.Got my Logun a couple of days back but havnt yet had chance to fire thge beast-tommorow may be the day.Im going to feed it with Crossman premiers first and see how it goes.

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I must admit to being a little worried about the gun after i fired 2 rounds into the air last night and the gun suprised me with a rather comic plop noise on firing.All my fears ,however, were gone when i tried her this afternoon in the garden.It took 6 shots to zero the scope with numbers 7 & 8 producing a ragged one hole group at about 25 yards.With the last 2 rounds in the cylinder i decided to test its effect on a Heinz bean tin (i allways use these as a type of benchmark)I was certain that i heard both shots hit tin but the can didnt move so i walked to the end of the garden to see what was going on (thinking that perhaps i had just skimmed the can)-i was somewhat suprised to see 2 holes clean thru both sides of the can!Am i pleased or what? Considering what i paid for the gun (£400 for the gun-immaculate+scope -silencer and filling kit)i,m well chuffed.

Edited by bruno22rf
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She claimed her first victim today with a pigeon making the mistake of jay walking in tbe snow in the field at the bottom of our garden(yes i have shooting pewrmission!)a good 40 yard shot that i took ages over before finally pulling the trigger-i knew that it would most likely be a clean kill or complete miss as the bird had its head down feeding-eventually,with the bird side on, the Logun "plopped" and i was rewarded by a light crack as the pellet hit home-couple of flaps and it was game over.Its turning out to be one of the best airguns i,ve used (and i,ve had a few over the last 33 years!).Im waiting to hear back on some new land thats supposed to be riddled with rabbits-with any luck spring is gonna be busy.

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