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Here it is. What we have all been waiting for. 187 pages of utter hog wash.




Unfortunately it might all be hog wash but its still going to end up costing legitimate shooters a fortune in increased FAC and SGC application and renewal costs as well as FAC variations.


Expect to see fees in excess of £100 for renewals and considerably more for first time applications.


Get your FAC variations in quick is my advice.


I bet the anti gun lobby are rubbing their hands with glee.

Edited by Rasher
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BASC's response to the HASC report




"BASC firmly rejects the recommendation to apply the current complicated section one firearms licensing system onto shotguns and to increase licence fees to cover costs without firm and reliable evidence of what those costs actually are".


Like most things that BASC objects too. It will happen regardless.

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If you are not a BASC member, You have no one to blame but yourself.


I was a BASC member for over 35 years. They never stopped a single ban in all of that time. Or a single HASC recommendation for that matter. I started to wonder what it was I was paying them all that money for. So quit and went and joined the SACS and the UCSW. At least I don't have to pay John Swifts salary any more.

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all this will happen again one day,when there is another shooting,they will have another go at us, it will get so tight that no one will wont to keep a gun, and that is what the goverment wants,


Its not whjat the government wants its what the anti gun, anti hunting lobby wants.


Death by a thousand cuts. If they can't get their goals by direct assault they will get them via the side door. The sooner we all realise that fact and understand that we can't win without a single body representing us the better.

Edited by Rasher
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