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Stubble v Osr


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Out today on last years stubble and pigeons did come in to the decoys, not many about though.

Unfortunately the wind which was predicted didn't happen was some birds were quite high.

Packed up at lunchtime and set up on OSR, nothing but but a few passing over head, did manage to get one in range and it was dispatched with the left hand barrel, without sounding big headed it was a good shot.

50% strike rate, which is good for me !!.

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I have a couple of fields where the farmer has drilled rape into the stubbles and the rape is hardly showing at the moment.

The pigeons don't seem to be bothering it much, but the rooks certainly like picking it over.

There are some areas of loose straw about and they are probably looking for insects and the like.


Incidentally, the rape that was drilled into prepared ground at the same time as the stubbles were drilled is showing well and much more forward.

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